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Five At-Home Toddler Activities During Quarantine!

Five At-Home Toddler Activities During Quarantine!

Hello friends, and welcome to Monday's blog post! Congratulations for making it another week in quarantine! :-) Today, I'm sharing FIVE more activities that can help keep your toddler busy during this time of adjustment for you and your family! I hope that these activities buy you some time, and help you become more Cool, Calm, and Collected throughout your upcoming days! Let’s get right into them!

LIVE Cam Animal Watch


Okay this is my favorite activity thus far! Did you know that there are TONS of aquariums and zoos streaming LIVE feeds of their animals for all to see, and more due to coronavirus!? For FREE! Not only can you cast and have your children watch these LIVE feeds of giraffe, beluga whales, penguins, underwater life, and more, but you can then incorporate lessons and activities to delve further into learning about these amazing animals!!! My son watched African penguins for at least 2 hours the other day. They didn't do much, but he was fascinated!! Take advantage of these free educational feeds! I will link them down below! ;-)

  1. Georgia Aquarium LIVE feed

  2. Animal House: Live Stream Melbourne Zoo

  3. The Best Aquarium and Zoo LIVE streams for Kids

  4. 13 Zoos that offer LIVE streams

FREE Amazon Audio Books


Amazon has generously canceled the subscription of books and audio books for children and students of all ages so that during this time of quarantine children can free stream stories, adventures, and other educational tools! What I love about this activity is that it stimulates the child’s listening skills instead of their visual skills. My son sat on the couch for hours just listening to age appropriate stories and educational songs. Um…Yes, please! Also, Thanks Amazon!!

You can free stream from your desktop, laptop, phone, or tablet through this link below:


Shaving Cream Sensory Bin


What you'll need:

Sensory bin, Shaving cream, Blue Food Coloring (careful, it stains), Sea Creatures, Freezer

How to:

Fill the base of your sensory bin with shaving cream. Then add 6 spots of blue food coloring, and mix it till it looks like the sea! Next, stick your sea creatures throughout the sensory bin, and freeze it until frozen for an extra fun sensory experience!

Kinetic Sand Construction Site


Okay, we all know that kinetic sand is a common trend to keep kids busy, but my son was never quite so intrigued in it until we turned his kinetic sand into a FULL BLOWN CONSTRUCTION SITE! We added construction trucks, rocks to dig and bury, lego construction men, shovels, and a lot of imagination! All of a sudden my husband and I noticed he would sit for HOURS filling his trucks with the sand, and creating his own story lines! We were able to incorporate all sorts of construction related toys, and he just took off from there!

Pasta Threading & Lacing Activities


Who knew pasta was not only versatile in the kitchen, but in the play area!?!

What you'll need:

Playdoh, Straws/Chopsticks (that pasta can fit over), Pasta, String

How to:

Place three balls of playdoh on a flat surface, and stick chopsticks in them. Then, let your child go to town using his fine motor skills to thread the pasta! You can also give your child a string with a knot at the end, and have them lace the pasta through it to make a pasta necklace! Multi colored pasta may make this activity more colorful and interesting, but the beauty is that you "work with what you’ve got!"

There you have it, five ways to incorporate some fun new ideas into your toddler's week, quarantined at home! Please feel free to leave any other blog requests in the comments below, and I'd love to know which new activity you’re excited to try!? Follow me on instagram @ coolmomandcollected for a more personal look at my “day to day!” If you enjoy my blog please share it on your social media, or with your friends to help get the word out! I so greatly appreciate it! Have a wonderful week friends!! Until next Monday…

You can find some of my other toddler and baby activities here:

Last week’s FIVE toddler activities

Sensory Play with Babies and Toddlers

Five Crafts for Toddlers

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

Five Toddler Activities at Home (Educational & Fun)!

Five Toddler Activities at Home (Educational & Fun)!

Sharing My Family’s Block Schedule During Quarantine!

Sharing My Family’s Block Schedule During Quarantine!