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Five Toddler Activities at Home (Educational & Fun)!

Five Toddler Activities at Home (Educational & Fun)!

Happy Monday friends!! I hope my weekly blog posts give you a little something to look forward to, and add a little routine to your day! :-) Today, I’m back again with MORE toddler activities while quarantined at home. I’ve chosen activities that can be easily done with items you’re almost sure to have in your home, and I hope that you do! Some of these activities are educational, and others are just plain fun! Please let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this post, and which toddler activity you’re looking forward to doing this week! Enjoy!

Matching Shapes


This was a great activity to review and practice our shapes! I wish I had colored paper, but since I didn’t I went for the next best thing: crayons. I cut a square, circle, rectangle, and triangle out of white printer paper, and colored each with a designated crayon! (My son also helped me color.) I then used sticky notes I had, and leaving some of the sticky part on each, I cut out smaller versions of those shapes! I labeled, and taped the large shapes on my wall, and left the smaller shapes scattered on the floor below! My three year old son then grabbed each smaller shape and matched them with their larger! This was a great activity to verbally review each individual shape, and find all of it’s missing matches!!

What you’ll need:





Sticky notes


Color Wheel Match


This was another wonderful educational activity to do with my toddler! It took me five minutes to whip up this color wheel with a paper plate, marker, and crayons. I then took 10 clothespins I had, and marked two of each with a matching crayon. My son excitingly matched each clothespin with its coordinating color, and we reviewed them as he did so! I noticed it was a particularly great motor skill activity for him because he had a bit of trouble maneuvering the clothespins at first, and only got better as he played!

What you’ll need:

Paper plate

10 Clothespins

Crayons of your choice


Airplane Pop-Pin!


I was pleasantly surprised with how sweet this airplane turned out that my son and I made with paint, popsicle sticks, and a clothespin! We used crazy glue to secure it, and while it feels pretty solid for him to play with, we may just have to make more to hang with a string from his ceiling to give his room some “airplane vibes!”

What you’ll need:

Three popsicle sticks

1 Clothespin




Paint brush

You can find the original post that inspired this activity here

Easy Non-toxic Play-Doh


I was thrilled to find a play-doh recipe that did not require cornstarch because I had ZILCH.

What you’ll need:

1 cup of Water

1 tbsp Oil

2 cups of Flour

1 cup of Salt

Food coloring

Two bowls


Pour the dry and wet ingredients into separate bowls, and mix separately. Then, slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, and get to work blending! My son and I made this play-doh together, and we even broke a sweat! If it was too dry, I added a TINY bit more water. If it was too wet, I added a TINY bit more flour. We added as much food coloring as needed for our color saturation preference, and were very happy with the finished product! We sealed it in an air-tight container for when it’s not being played with. For not having your “typical cornstarch recipe,” we were really happy with the turnout!

Cotton Ball Painting


This painting-with-a-twist activity really engaged my son! We used clothespins to clamp onto cotton balls, and then a baking sheet to secure our paint. He then dipped the cotton balls into the paint of his choice and stamped the paper! This was another great fine motor skill activity, and it may have ended with a lot of spontaneous finger painting! ;-)

What you’ll need:

Baking sheet





You can find the original post that inspired this activity here

Well, I hope these five fun activities can keep you and your toddler busy engaging together, and occasionally independently! This time inside with family is precious, and it NEVER hurts to make a few memories together!! I hope you all enjoy, and I look forward to reading your comments below!

You can find some of my other toddler and baby activities here:

More Toddler Activities At Home

FIVE toddler activities

Sensory Play with Babies and Toddlers

Five Crafts for Toddlers

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

The Silver Lining to COVID-19

The Silver Lining to COVID-19

Five At-Home Toddler Activities During Quarantine!

Five At-Home Toddler Activities During Quarantine!