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"10 Things Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know!"

"10 Things Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know!"

Welcome back, friends! There's been an exciting announcement since last Monday's blog post over on my Instagram...I officially started my Youtube Channel: "Cool Mom and Collected!!" That's right, now not only will you be able to read my content on my blog posts every Monday, but you'll be able to watch current and FRESH video content I'll be creating as “Thursday's blog post” becomes “Thursday's YouTube video!”

I'm really excited to share more of my personality while tackling topics like motherhood, marriage, faith, as well as introduce some DITL, decluttering, challenges, and more! You can watch my first video and SUBSCRIBE to my channel here!! Now that the "cat’s out of the bag," let's hop into today's “Monday blog post:” "10 Things Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know!"

  1. Sometimes I'm just HANGRY

    Let's face it, we all get HANGRY, and sometimes that "hanger" gets taken out on those who are closest to us, both relationship-wise, and proximity-wise! Every wife wants her hubby to know that in these instances they aren't doing anything wrong...We're just a tad irritable because we've had a full day of doing everything for everyone else, (especially if you have kids), and by the end of it, we just want to sit down, and EAT!!! Not-eating tends to have a “Jekyl and Hyde” effect which we’re not proud of, and while it doesn't condone the behavior, we ask that you give us some grace, and proceed once we’ve ate. Also… can we order in tonight?

  2. I'm not asking you to SOLVE my problem, I just need you to LISTEN!

    I know us women can talk…a lot! Sometimes we talk your ears off right when you walk in the door with "today's drama" because we've missed you so much, and you’re our “safe place.” However, just know that we aren't asking you to fix our issues...We just need to vent in order to feel heard, and often times we're able to find the answer ourselves just by talking out the problem. Again, we could probably pull back a bit, and let you decompress before doing so. Deal? Cool.

  3. I’m sorry for what I said

    Ever get so caught up in the moment that you go to that real low place, and pull out some hurtful words? I've definitely said things I'm not proud of, and I've learned firsthand that words have the power to cut! The best way for your hubby to know that you didn't mean what you said is to really learn from your mistakes, and refrain from saying unkind things all together. Will you slip up again? Humans usually do, but hopefully you’ll catch yourself the next time.

  4. I need to feel closure after a fight

    While it's great to be married to a man that "holds no grudges," it doesn’t give a green light to cease all communication after a fight. Women often need to talk it out after to process what happened, ensure that both parties are forgiven, see how to prevent this from happening again in the future, and validate that each of you are still loved.

  5. I love when you touch me outside of the bedroom

    Physical intimacy is extremely important, but touch outside of the bedroom can sometimes have the greatest impact. Your arm around my waist, hands interlocked, or that tender kiss on the forehead. These are all things we love to feel throughout the day to be reminded that we are still that girl you fell in love with ages back, and are in love with now. Those little touches mean everything.

  6. Surprises are awesome, when you don't spill them ahead of time!

    Most women want to be surprised, and it doesn't need to be outrageously, or expensively over-the-top! No matter how excited you are, or how tiring it may be... it's never fun to spoil a surprise! Just commit to the original plan, and wait for that perfect moment! Surprises mean that you planned, thought, and prepared. It's not the surprise itself that means the most to us. It's the time you took to create it.

  7. Stop bringing me flowers

    I know there are women out their that love flowers, but hear me out because I had an epiphany the other day! I've never really been a flower type girl, and it's finally really clear to me why!! 1. Flowers don't last, 2. They are a headache to maintain, 3. They often smell like a funeral home, and 4. Since flowers always have to be picked up at the last minute, it can sometimes feel like it was a last minute idea. Like you passed the supermarket, grabbed a bouquet, and now, five days later, I'm cleaning out the dirty vase. I would much rather be gifted a long lasting succulent! Am I the only one that feels this way?

  8. I need to be validated verbally

    Often times, men tend to feel validation physically. Of course women may too, but we also thrive off words of affirmation! We don't want you to fall into this mindset of "She knows I love her," or "She knows I appreciate her." No, no, no, bud... You gotta tell us!! Tell us, and watch our eyebrows lift, eyes sparkle, and bone structure shift! Never underestimate words of affirmation… They are magic!

  9. I appreciate you so much

    Husbands do so much, and if you stay at home like me, the amount of weight they carry can be intensified! Not only will telling your husband that you appreciate him make him blush, but SHOWING that he is appreciated will speak volumes to his self worth. How to do this will differ from husband to husband, but there's no doubt with a little digging there are certain actions that make a man truly feel appreciated! His favorite meal, sneaking little notes for him to find, a thoughtful handwritten card, a loving act, etc.

  10. I’m so proud to be your wife

    Maybe you've told this to your husband in a hallmark card, or a special occasion, but a man cannot hear this enough! We want our men to know that regardless of the fights, and struggles we’ve faced, coming out together and stronger has only intensified our pride we take in one another. We look at our men. They pursued us, married us, and are doing everything they can to take care of us. No matter what happens in the outside world, we will always be their number one fan.

I hope you enjoyed me sharing 10 things every wife wants her husband to know! Could you relate with any of these? Let me know in the comments below, along with any blog post requests you may have! Marriage is by no means easy, but that’s what makes the choice to commit and love so beautiful! Have a wonderful day, friends! Until next time :)

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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