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“10 Easy Ways to Daily Love On Your Husband!”

“10 Easy Ways to Daily Love On Your Husband!”

Welcome back to the blog, my lovely friends! I hope you all had a wonderful President's Day yesterday! Many of you on Instagram (follow me @coolmomandcollected) have expressed great interest in me covering more "marriage" related topics here on the blog. I'll be married ten years [this year] to my best friend, and now having two young kids, I’m more passionate than ever about nurturing a strong marriage! I figured today would be a great day as any to delve into some easy ways we can daily love on our husbands!

What I LOVE about this community is it doesn't end with just my list of 10! Leave little ways that you dote on your hubby in the comments below to help us wifeys out! I hope you enjoy :)

1. Leave a sweet post-it-note for him to find

My hubby brings a bottle of water to work with him every morning! I like to fill it the night before, put it in the fridge, and then add a sweet sticky note to catch him off guard when he opens the fridge to grab it! An unexpected POP of neon from a classic post-it-note, accompanied by sweet words, never fails to put a smile on his face, and start his day off right!

2. Make him coffee/breakfast in the morning

If you're a SAHM like me, I get it...WE NEED OUR SLEEP! However, if you really want to shock your hubby, set your alarm before he gets up, and make him a nice cup of coffee! If he doesn’t have time for coffee, put it in a thermos so he can drink it on his way to work! He'll feel so loved with each sip that you sacrificed your precious sleep to warm his big man heart…and this may even become a tradition of yours! ;-)

3. Write a message on the bathroom mirror

I just love the "shock factor" that comes with changing up areas of the house that are usually always the same. For instance, a mirror is just a mirror, with nothing on it…aside from maybe some toothpaste residue, haha! #reallife But…take some lipstick, draw a little heart, a few sweet words, and leave your own lip print on the mirror! There's no way it won't catch his attention, and probably make him giggle!

4. Sneak his favorite snack in his jacket pocket

Food is very often the “real MVP” of making most men feel loved! Slip your hubby's favorite candy, snack, or gum into his jacket pocket, and he’ll discover it at some point throughout his day. Attach a sweet note for him to make the connection that YOU were thinking of him, and he didn't just "score" a random treat, haha! If it's candy, you can leave a note that says, "Why are you so SWEET!?!"

5. Leave a love note as a bookmark in his current read

Okay, food AND kind words(backed up by your actions) are probably two of the easiest ways you can show your hubby you love and appreciate him! Write a sweet love note, maybe grab a picture of you both (optional), and sneak it into the current book he's reading, or on the keyboard of his closed laptop! When he opens it, he’ll be shocked to find it!! He may even claim it as his new favorite book mark! :-)

6. Tell him, and others what you love/appreciate about him

Verbally praising your spouse both alone, and in the presence of others is a sure way to make him blush! Never assume,"He knows how I feel...I don't have to tell him." Even if he does know you love, or appreciate him, who doesn't like to hear it?! Proverbs 16:24 says, "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Speaking KIND WORDS into your spouse can only do beautiful things for him, especially when the world may be telling him otherwise!

7. Give him some "him time"

Just because your husband may not "stay at home with the kids" doesn't mean he doesn't deal with HUGE outside stressors that may cause him to need some time away to decompress. If you notice your hubby is stressed, be the first to offer him the opportunity to get away for an hour, or so, to do something he loves. He will feel so loved by your gesture of consideration for his mental health, and so thankful for a wife who can confidently hold down the fort while he’s gone!

8. Let him choose your food, or the movie

Okay, mamas...this can be tricky territory over here. If you have a CONSIDERATE husband like mine, and if you can be a HANGRY wife like me, then you too may find your hubby always lovingly giving you the opportunity to choose everything! As much joy as it may bring him to see you happy, we can't leave this act of love one-sided!! Insist that your hubby choose the movie, or food of HIS choice once in a while to show that his opinion is just as valued and important as yours! You may not be in the mood for “chicken fried rice,” ladies, but you know he wasn’t in the mood for Mexican food the other night either, so just do what's right!

9. When you get something for yourself, bring him something back too

To some wives, this comes naturally, but to others I think satisfying our needs, or taste buds is often the impulse priority! Sometimes, we have so much on our minds that we just truly don’t think about our spouse! Thank God marriage helps us to grow in selflessness! Next time you get yourself a coffee, a little treat, etc., bring your husband one back too! If you REALLY want to show love, offer him the first AND last bite of everything!! Whether he goes in for the bite, or not, the offer will mean the world to him!! He knows how much you LOVE your food, girl!!

10. Do one of his "chores" for him

Unfortunately, as time goes on, us wives may end up being the dreaded nagging voice in our husband's ear to get certain things done. “Hey,” you may say…”That will never be ME,” but, young wives, these things can happen! Instead of insisting on your own way, (which is the opposite Biblical definition of love-1 Corinthians 13:5), surprise your husband by doing one of his "tasks" for him! This could be filling the water pitcher, taking the trash out, mowing the lawn, etc. (I'm not saying to burden yourself by repeatedly doing the tasks you both agreed upon him doing), but occasionally beat him to the chase, lift his burden, do it well, and he should appreciate the break greatly!

These are 10 easy acts of love that can be done daily to show your husband that he is loved, and I believe any husband would appreciate them! Were these suggestions helpful? Would you like to see more of this on my blog? (I won't know unless you tell me, haha!) What little ways do you daily love on your husband? Share with the rest of us in the comments below! If any of my suggestions “paid off," feel free to leave a comment, tag me, or DM me on Instagram! Now, let's all go spoil our husbands…not just today, but on a daily basis! :-) They won't know what hit them, haha! See you Thursday on the blog!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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