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Three RV Layout Must-Haves (we didn’t know we needed) when Buying our RV

Three RV Layout Must-Haves (we didn’t know we needed) when Buying our RV

Hey there, friends! After living full time in our RV for about 2 weeks, I wanted to share three RV layout must-haves (that we didn't even know we needed) when buying our RV!! Please make sure that you’re following me on instagram @ coolmomandcollected as well as on my YouTube channel where I upload weekly videos, and content on RV living, marriage, and motherhood! (We just renovated our RV living space and bunkroom these past 5 days, and I’ll be sharing video footage there!) Enjoy!!!


1. Bunkroom with at least one slide

My husband and I knew we wanted a seperate bunkroom for the kids with a door, but we had no idea how valuable having just one slideout in their room would be to give them more space! At first, we were content without a slide, but the second we stepped foot into our RV that had a slide in the bunkroom, we were SOLD! Now, not only do our kids have bunk bed space to play, but they have floor space to play too! If you REALLY want to have your mind blown...check out what OPPOSING slides in a bunkroom look like!! Now, that will make your jaw drop!!


2. Two entry door access

Initially, I wasn't fond of having TWO entry doors. I just thought it wasn't necessary, and it even caused a bit of hesitancy when looking at RV layouts. After living full time in our RV for a few weeks, I truly see the VALUE having two entrances brings! (If you're kids are sleeping, and you don't want to disturb them, you can enter, or exit through the alternate door! If you accidentally lock yourself out of one door (it totally happens)…you have an alternate door. If you’re getting in late, you can use the door that will least disturb others. Although we have emergency window exits in every room, it's also nice to have two door exit options, should an emergency arrive! We also get a higher level of cross ventilation if we want to open the doors, but keep the screen doors shut!) Who doesn't enjoy a fresh breeze rolling through their RV?!


3. Spacious walk-through bathroom

Upon searching for the "perfect for us" RV, we saw MANY bathrooms, and boy, they were TINY!!! In many situations you couldn't "pop a squat" if you wanted to without your knees crunched up against something, and you CERTAINLY COULDN'T have two people getting ready at once in an enjoyable fashion! When we initially saw our rigs' floor plan online, we didn't know how we felt about a walk-through bathroom. (It had sliding doors on both sides that connected the kitchen to the bedroom.) Our initial thought was, “Who wants to look at their toilet while eating breakfast!?” We ruled out this option until we read countless people raving about their walk-through bathroom layout. We took the leap, and never looked back! Turns out, under these tiny living circumstances, this type of bathroom has many perks!! 1. More than one of us can get ready at once. 2. It feels like an extension of our bedroom, or like a master bathroom. 3. The toilet isn't visible at all times, but the sink, vanity, and mirror are which will be decorated beautifully! 4. We can leave both sliding doors open and see straight to our bedroom, and back to the end of the rig! 5. LOTS of leg room when "popping a squat!!"

Are you currently searching for an RV, or your next stick and bricks home? What are some layout related things that are on your must-have list?! Let me know in the comments below! I hope this post can help anyone buying an RV to consider if the above factors would benefit them as well! Happy searching!!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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