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Welcome to my little piece of the internet! I blog on faith, motherhood, homemaking, marriage, and more in an attempt to stay more cool, calm, and collected! Hope you enjoy your stay!

A Peek Inside My Mother's Basket (to inspire MOM)

A Peek Inside My Mother's Basket (to inspire MOM)

From the moment I heard of a Mother's Basket, (aka one consolidated place to keep all items that inspire the MOTHER), I knew I had to make my own. This is a sacred basket of items I can reach for on early mornings, rainy days of leisure, restful Sabbaths, or lonely nights. It’s a place where I can learn, grow, challenge myself, and feel inspired! Today, I'm going to give you a tour of my Mother's Basket, and let you see just what's inside, (and in no particular order).

*(This post contains affiliate links, which means if you order from these links you will be supporting my blog in a small way that means a lot, at no cost to you. Thank you!)

1. Kindle

When my family and I were full time RV living for 3 years, my husband gifted me with this beautiful case and Kindle! Any tiny-dweller knows that hoarding books in a small space just isn’t an option unless you get extremely creative. Having books upon books loaded onto my Kindle really makes reading convenient, and I am still enjoying it to this day!

2. Bible

I can’t have an inspirational basket without the very book that drives my life…the Word of God! This current translation of mine is the TLV, or Tree of Life Version. I really enjoy reading it because it helps connect believers in Jesus today with the Jewish roots of their faith by (as stated on the TLV website) “using the name of the Messiah, Yeshua, reverence for the four-letter unspoken name of God, and Hebrew transliterated names and events, such as shalom, shofar, and shabbat.” This really helps me to put much of Scripture in it’s proper perspective!

3. Craft Projects (Cross Stitching, Watercoloring, Crocheting, Knitting)

I guess you could say, I’m in my “granny era,” and loving every second! I’ve currently become enamored with crocheting, knitting, watercoloring, and cross stitching. One of the many beautiful things about becoming a mother is that our potential for learning often increases! As we teach our children new hobbies, we become inclined to learn alongside them, and vice versa. It’s been so convenient to have these creative projects all in one place. I know it’s been encouraging for my children to witness me learning new skills, and it sparks their desire to learn new things as well!


6. Books that challenge motherhood

I plan to rotate books in and out of my Mother’s Basket that apply to my given season of life. I’m currently enjoying "Mother Culture" and "Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids" which help cultivate peace in the home and in homeschooling! CLICK HERE to find all the books I plan on reading for 2024!

7. Planner

Planning my days has become a necessary and therapeutic activity for a calmer, more focused way of living! One can gain much clarity from setting goals, and wisely prioritizing what needs to get done in their week. I’m loving my NEW faith-based planner from Hosanna Revival! You can find my recent blog post on “My Honest Review and Flip-Through of the Hosanna Revival Planner” HERE!

8. Prayer/Gratitude Journal

Although our heavenly Father is worthy of every ounce of our attention, it’s not always easy to stay focused during our prayer time. While a prayer/gratitude journal is NOT necessary for cultivating a relationship with Himit can be a helpful tool for anyone that wants a designated place to record their prayers and thanksgivings with less distractions! This prayer journal has helped me in this way with its beautiful, yet simple layout. I have found that keeping a record of my prayers allows me not only to remember to continue praying them, but to look back on the ones answered with rejoicing and praise!


9. Blogging Notebook

I think every mother can benefit from having a notebook strictly for recording their creative ideas, goals, and inspiration! The best part of this notebook is that it doesn’t need to be anything fancy. For example, this “not-so-special” one pictured above holds all of my blogging ideas, and plans for my upcoming blog posts!

10. Mothers diary

I bought this beautiful Mother’s Diary from Riverbend Press. This earned a spot in my Mother’s Basket because it’s where I reflect on the growth of my child during our homeschooling journey together. According to the designer of this keepsake journal, Nancy Kelly, The idea for this Mother's Diary is to have a special, designated book in which to record when your child shows development physically, mentally, or spiritually.” Whenever I feel like writing something I’ve learned about my child, something I need to cultivate in them, or encouraging growth I see in my child…it goes here.


I hope you enjoyed seeing what's inside my Mother's Basket! It's been amazing to have a designated place for me to reach for things that help nurture my knowledge and creativity as a mother! Did this encourage YOU to create your own Mother’s basket? What item inspired you most?!

Cool, Calm, Collectedly Yours,

Review: “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons!”

Review: “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons!”

10 Nighttime Habits For a Successful Morning as a Pregnant Mom of Four

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