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Prayer Journaling As a Busy Mom of Four | Realistic Approach

Prayer Journaling As a Busy Mom of Four | Realistic Approach

Hello there, friends! I thought today's post might be an encouraging one for the busy mother looking to add “prayer journaling” to her daily routine in a realistic way! As a mother of four under five, I can testify firsthand to the many moving parts and responsibilities that often distract us from spending time in prayer with the Father. The greatest secret I’ve found to a thriving prayer life is making it a natural part of your everyday life!

Prayer journaling is one of the many beautiful ways to communicate with our heavenly Father. It allow us to write down more than just our “requests.” Through it, we can record our favorite Scripture verses, mundane thoughts, dreams, convictions, pleadings, and praises to the Father! Similar to that of handwritten card, email, text message, or letter to a loved one, our relationship with the Father can be deepened through prayer journaling.

From the time I was a child, I kept journals upon journals filled with letters to the Father. I believe it was partly through this way of speaking with Him that I developed a strong, intimate relationship. He was a constant in my life…always there to listen, and I had written proof of answered prayers, and beautiful moments shared in joint company. I’d love to hopefully inspire you to give prayer journaling a try in an easy, and realistic way!


Here's how to start:

1. Buy a journal

I can't stress enough how "not fancy" this journal needs to be. For instance, I bought mine for 99 cents at the thrift store. (There's nothing wrong with a fancy journal, of course! In fact, I've had my share of those too. I learned, however, that the fancier my journal was, the more it became about "how everything looked," rather than about the heart behind the words themselves.) It's important that the motivation to speak to our heavenly Father originates from inside of our own heart’s desire. Thankfully, the Father will hear the heartfelt prayers scribbled in a simple marble notebook just as well as those recorded beautifully in a leather-bound journal. I guess that's just what you can expect when writing to a loving, and perfect Father. So, get a book with pages and lines for you to fill, and just that!

2. Set a page goal (NOT a time limit)

As a busy mama getting back into her love of journaling, I've set the simple goal of filling one page a more, and no less. (Remember, this is not to be the sum of our daily communication with God. This is solely our amount of prayer time spent on paper!) My reason for one page is that it's an attainable, visual goal that’s not too much, or too little. I’m instantly encouraged to write down the key points of what’s on my heart on days when I have a lot to share, as well as an ample amount of room to fill when I feel a loss for words. Instead of putting a time limit on your conversation, and potentially getting discouraged…try starting off with just filling one page a day! Go ahead…sit down, and write to your Father. He's indeed waiting to hear from you!

3. Aim for early(ish) morning

Lets face it! Some days, us mamas will need our extra beauty sleep, but I recommend doing the best you can to wake up early, and prayer journal first thing in the morning! There’s something about consistently meeting with the Most High at the start of our waking that I believe sets up our day for spiritual success. In the early hours of the morning, distractions are less, convictions ring truer, and we surrender first thing.

4. Give your children clear instructions

While I feel prayer journaling is most beneficial done solo, or prior to children waking…I realize that as mothers, there are many possibilities of our children seeing us journal. In it's season, this can also be very powerful! I've shared my desire to prayer journal with my children, and in turn they have taken a great interest in it themselves! I love sharing these tender discipling moments with them! However, I’ve also gently made them aware that if they see mommy journaling with "this notebook and pen," it means I'm writing to Adonai, and they will need to keep busy until I’m finished. (I think it's good, and even fair to set this boundary with our children to help us create a feasible, daily prayer journaling time, and model the importance of communicating with the Father.) Perhaps like mine, your children will want to join you in a quiet time, write to the Father, or even become inspired to draw a picture for Him!

5. Remove the pressure to "be an artist"

Did you know that the enemy would love to use anything and EVERYTHING to keep you from speaking to the Father? He'd love to use something as silly as "not being artistic enough" to keep you from prayer journaling too. Well, I'm here to share that there's NOTHING artsy about my current prayer journaling. No fancy calligraphy, stickers, washi tape, here...just the year's date, and my words. Remember that while being “artistic” is indeed a creative gift, (and should be used however the Spirit may lead), it's NOT a prerequisite for writing to our heavenly Father! So, bring your toddler-like, chicken scratch handwriting, and all. Truth is, whether it's legible, or not, He knows exactly what's on your mind. (Psalm 139:4)

6. Pray as Yeshua taught us to pray

Have you ever wondered HOW to pray? Yeshua (Jesus), Himself taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. I find this incredibly valuable as the Son of God gives us beautiful instructions on how to pray to HIS Father. What a GIFT we should not overlook! Upon breaking down His prayer, here is a helpful model we can glean from:

  • “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallow it be thy name.” Begin your prayer by praising the Father! Acknowledge His holy position as your loving Father in heaven, and recognize your humble position on earth. How incredible that He has made us children of God!

  • “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Pray for His will to become your will, and that it would be completed through your own life as a vessel on this earth. Share in the hope of His return!

  • “Give us this day our daily bread,“ Ask Him to speak His Word and truth into your heart, and to help you walk it out in love and obedience to Him.

  • “and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Repent, turn away from, and ask forgiveness for your sins. Likewise, pray for the strength to extend forgiveness to those in need of your grace.

  • “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Pray for His strength in your weakness to resist the temptation of the enemy. Pray that His Spirit would protect and guard you, your husband, and your children from evil!

7. Read a portion of the Bible for inspiration

Both reading, and meditating on one chapter of the Bible a day has helped me reflect on the goodness, and seek the ways of Adonai. Reading the Word before journaling can help you strike up wonderful thoughts, reflections, and conversation starters with the Father to start off your prayer journaling journey!

I hope you enjoyed this realistic way I prayer journal as a busy mom of 4! Writing to our heavenly Father does not need to be complicated, but it's a sure way to focus in on communing with Him! As believers, and essentially children of God, we can, and should talk to our heavenly Father every day of our lives! Have you ever tried keeping a prayer journal? I hope this encouraged you to start! Let me know in the comments below!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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