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How to Get Back on Track After Eating Too Much Sugar

How to Get Back on Track After Eating Too Much Sugar

Hello friends! So, you ate too much sugar last night…Am I right, haha!? Well, I’m not a nutritionist, and I definitely don’t advise any “quick fixes" because I believe many of those often lead straight to dissapointment. However, I do have a few tried and true tips, in the event that you’ve overindulged in sugar, that will get you back on track, and feeling better in no time! I hope you enjoy, and if you did, or have anything to add, please leave it in the comments below!

Eat a healthy breakfast!

Although you may be tempted to skip breakfast due to all the calories you consumed last night, it would actually benefit you to choose a healthier breakfast option to help fuel your day! Try eating good proteins like a hard boiled egg, or healthy fats like some avocado! If you skip breakfast at an attempt to save some calories, you will likely fall back into reaching for that Snickers bar shortly after! (Which…if you do…no judgement here, sis!) Save yourself the guilt trip, and just start over!

Drink lots of water!

Although it’s a wonderful tip to drink lots of water every day, it’s especially great for flushing out your system of toxins after a night of sugary indulgence. You may have heard it a million times, but still ignored it. Repeat after me: “Drink water, drink water, drink water!" Also, you may not want to hear this, but stay away from sugary drinks!!

Get plenty of rest

While the busyness of life doesn’t stop, even after tummy aches from high candy consumption, it’s still important to make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep to give your body the adequate rest it needs to digest and function. Since this is the case, let’s call it an early night and get to bed early, shall we?

Cut out sugar and carbs

So, you’ve had your “sugary fun,” and while I’m sure you definitely have leftover candy hidden somewhere, don’t continue to get sick on it! If you know it has to be done, then get rid of it!! If you’re able, take a few days to reset your body by limiting your sugar and carb intake, or by cutting it out all together. That would be a big help in resetting your taste buds!

Eat lots of veggies!

Try eating healthier foods, high in fiber, like veggies to replenish yourself today. There are many healthy substitutes to replace the unhealthy food cravings you may have! Instead of eating a sugary snack, try eating nuts, fruit, cranberries, broccoli, or sweet potato! Doesn’t sound as appealing at first, I know, but remember it’s a process that will eventually shift the types of food you crave!

Go for a long walk

This is not to be confused with a form of punishment for all of the candy you consumed last night! This is purely a way to get your blood pumping again, make a healthy decision for yourself, and not fall into the “deep-end" of poor eating choices made in the very last months of the year!

Sometimes when we overindulge, it’s easy to feel defeated in our health and fitness goals, but yesterday is already behind you and there is a fresh day of decisions ahead! Don’t let last night’s festivities of indulging keep you from starting fresh today, and getting back on track! Whether you’re reading this in the morning, afternoon, or night, the choice is yours to end the sugar craze, follow the above suggestions, and start now! You can do it!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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