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Five Daily Cleaning Tasks Worth Mastering

Five Daily Cleaning Tasks Worth Mastering

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July, and I'm thankful for your return to the blog as we delve into a dreaded topic for some: Cleaning. Some of us were born to clean, and some of us wish our moms dropped by once a week to make it all go away! I think most of us would enjoy cleaning more if it wasn't a rushed chaotic process, with our little people running wild in the house. With the limited time we have as moms, it's best to be realistic, and focus on a few simple cleaning habits that will make the biggest impact on a day to day basis. So I'm going to give you five simple cleaning tasks, that if you master daily, will be life changing!

Task #1: Make Your Bed!

First things first...when you get out of bed, make it! Whether you have a $200 Pottery Barn ensemble, or the same $20 Walmart comforter from college...when the bed is made, it's like giving your room an instant facelift. In that moment, all is right in the world.

Task #2: Put Your Kitchen to Bed Before You Go to Sleep

Its true what they say, "Putting your kitchen to bed" (wiping down surfaces, sweeping the floors, and emptying the sink) each night is a game changer. Okay...maybe it's just me who says that. Put on a podcast, or play some music as you fill the dishwasher, and just get it done! Waking up to a clean kitchen will not only put you in a good mood, but it will give you your best chance of maintaining cleanliness throughout the day. Do NOT go to bed until your kitchen is SNOOZING!

Task #3: Give Your Toys a Home

The key to this task is simply setting aside a spot dedicated just for toys. We all love our kids, but it's nice to settle down into our "grown up space" when they're sound asleep. At the end of a chaotic day, tossing toys into their designated bin removes both clutter, and the possibility of a stubbed toe!

Task #4: A Swipe a Day Keeps the Toilet Grunge at Bay

This next one is hard to come to terms with, but you're a big girl, you can handle it, right? Okay, here it goes...if you're living with a man or kids, there IS pee under the toilet seat. Oh, there's no need to check... it's there. You could wait to clean until right before your next unexpected guest, or you can do a quick wipe everyday. I suggest the latter!

Task #5: Laundry- “Consistency is Key”

Now this one hurts my heart. Ugh. Laundry. We used to have a great relationship, met up together everyday, and then...I had kids. We just completely lost touch, and I couldn't keep up with the relationship. Come to think of it, it once took me three days to do a single load of laundry...THREE. It had a sleepover in the dryer the first night, hung out on the couch the second, and then chilled out on my bed until I reluctantly put it all away. Putting a daily load to wash first thing in the morning, and setting a reminder alarm to put it in the dryer will get you ahead of the game and keep your relationship fresh!

Practice mastering these five habits, and not only will you maintain a cleaner living space, but also a clearer mind- and that my friend is priceless! Do you already practice some of these simple habits, or maybe you have others to share? I'd love to hear what they are!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,


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