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Why I Chose to Have an Unmedicated Birth...TWICE!

Why I Chose to Have an Unmedicated Birth...TWICE!

Hi friends...I'm really excited! We’re going to start delving into our “Unmedicated Birth" series today! By sharing my med-free birth experience with you all, I'm hoping it provides some insight, or encouragement to anyone who may be considering it! Let's just make a quick disclaimer so you can all see where I stand on the topic of “birth.” (Disclaimer: All birth is beautiful! All birth is a success! There's no failure in birth! (Unless you poop)…haha, totally joking! I’m a big advocate that any woman who gives birth, however she did, should be celebrated. If a baby came out of you, the only thing that matter is…YOU did it! The baby is here and YOU are the reason! Every woman is entitled to prepare for the birth of their dreams without judgement, or unsolicited advice!) Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I’d like to respectfully share with you why I chose to pursue and have an unmedicated birth with both my children. Let's get to the reasons why, shall we?!

My mom

My mom gave unmedicated birth to all four of her children, and this is where my desire to go med-free first began! There was something safe and familiar about attempting to do what my mother had already done in days past. Part of me wanted to experience what she went through to bring us all into this world? There was only one way to find out! Thanks alot, mom!

Not wanting meds unless medically necessary

I’m the “crazy chick” who doesn't normally use meds for myself. Not for a headache, not for a migraine, not for during or after childbirth. Allergic reaction, yes. Root canal, lay it on me. I'm not a hippie, per say, I just rather not put a tiny circular shaped pill into my body if I don't have too. Maybe “The Matrix” scarred me a bit? Are there others like me? haha! When sick, or in pain, I prefer to know how my body is feeling, and the idea of suppressing or numbing my ability to know freaks me out! Is this...a disorder?? Because now it sounds like a disorder...haha. If the need for meds is medically necessary, that's a completely different story! I'm so thankful for doctors and the modern day medicine we have! If it's not medically necessary though, I usually like to “feel” and “heal” on my own.

Setting a personal goal

I was the teenage girl in the corner reading self-help books instead of romance novels! I've always thrived off of working towards a personal goal. Give me a good end date to set my mind to, and let the fun begin! I also love to research and plan how I am going to pursue and accomplish this goal--the whole process is very empowering to me! Unmedicated birth was an opportunity for me to overcome physical pain, and build my mental strength, which I believe I did! **Of course, I would never go unmedicated at the expense of my baby's health! My health was evaluated and deemed “fit" for the pursuit of an unmedicated birth without any interventions, and with medical professionals on hand, if needed. My “first priority goal” above anything else was to have a healthy baby!

Wanting to try it at least once

This reason’s pretty simple. I legitimately wanted to know what med-free birth felt like from beginning to end, and hung on to the belief that our bodies were made to do it! Sure in unmedicated birth there's a lot of pain, (every birth has it’s risks), but there's also the most unexplainable joy, and I can attest to that firsthand!

An opportunity to rely on God

Want an opportunity to rely on God more than you ever have? Try unmedicated birth, Haha! Throughout my labor, it was Him that got me through, and I really treasured that dependency, even though it was rough! I reflect all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It's a little surreal to me to think that I'm experiencing the same unmedicated pain and joy that Eve did!

Labor in the comfort of home

We all know that “there's no place like home!” Based on my good health evaluation, unmedicated birth allowed me the option to labor in the comfort of my home as long as possible, without any unnecessary medical intervention, and under the instruction of my midwife. (In contrast, if you choose to have a C-section, induction, or epidural, you must get to the hospital earlier on for monitoring, and laboring in a hospital is not always comfortable for everyone.)

My fear of needles/numbness

I respect anyone's choice to an epidural! When it comes to giving birth, we must do whatever we need to in order to achieve a healthy baby! However, this girl over here doesn't “do” needles...especially not in the lower back where I can't see what's going on! I like to be in control of everything, and my fear of the epidural needle outweighed any fear of unmedicated childbirth! (Sidenote: The effects of epidurals should be researched before considering. They're often great for numbing pain, but this numbness can also make it difficult to literally feel the action of pushing which in turn can slow things down, cause tearing, or possibly lead to more medical interventions. **I am not trying to scare anyone, but this is something I was glad to be aware of in my own decision-making, so I thought I'd share!)

Freedom to eat and drink

If you get an induction, epidural, or C-section, you may be limited in what you can eat or drink prior to, or during your labor. Although all hospitals are different, I found that in most unmedicated births you can eat and drink whatever you want, and this has always been my preference!

Free movement during labor

Having the freedom to move during labor was something I always knew I wanted…especially since you can alleviate pain during contractions by putting your body in different positions! I didn't want to be restricted to lay in the hospital bed, or hooked up to anything, which is something you must be if you are having a C-section or epidural. I wanted to freely walk around (which can help move baby down the canal), labor in the tub/shower, and “push” my baby out in a more natural, gravity-pulling position! (Sidenote: When given an epidural, you are restricted to your hospital bed, and the only position safe enough to push in is on your back. If you haven't guessed already, birthing while on your back is basically like “running uphill” when it comes to pushing out a baby.) Having the freedom to give birth in the position of my choice that felt best for my body was the best decision for me!

Easier recovery

I've always heard that the recovery process is easier for those that experience unmedicated birth. In both of my unmedicated birth experiences, I’ve found that my recovery compared to the recovery of others who have had C-sections and epidurals was much quicker. This has become one of my main reasons for desiring to go unmedicated again, if possible! Anyone that saw me even moments after I gave birth was in awe of the physical movement and energy I felt afterwards! Both times, I was able to shower, walk, use the bathroom, and get dressed unassisted. (Sidenote: Of course, there's no shame in needing, or flat out wanting assistance after just BIRTHING A CHILD LIKE A MAMA WARRIOR! I believe rest is best! My quick recovery may not be the case for everyone since everyone is different, but I do believe it’s the case for the majority of unmedicated births when compared to medicated.)

I hope you enjoyed reading through my reasons for choosing to have an unmedicated birth, and why I will personally choose to pursue it again and again! After heavy research, the pros of unmedicated birth outweighed any cons for me. I highly suggest researching pros and cons of all types of birth before choosing which one works best for you and your baby. Whether your precious babe comes unmedicated, via C-section, with use of an epidural, or induction...whatever....a healthy baby at the end of birth IS the reason to be proud of yourself and celebrate! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Why did you choose to pursue your particular birth? Share your reasons in the comments below!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,


My Labor Techniques for Unmedicated Birth

My Labor Techniques for Unmedicated Birth

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