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Tips for Flying with a Baby and Toddler!

Tips for Flying with a Baby and Toddler!

Welcome back, and happy Monday everyone!! Today I’m sharing all of my juicy tips I've discovered from flying with my baby and toddler! No need to thank me…When it comes to traveling with kids, it’s best to relieve as much stress as possible, and I'm happy to help! I separated my tips and tricks into two categories for your convenience: “Baby” and “Toddler”plus, I slipped in a little reminder for Mama! :-) Enjoy!


Baby tips:

Book a direct flight! I get nauseous just thinking of taking more than one flight with a baby, (let alone two kids), to get to my destination!

Give yourself plenty of time! I exclusively breastfeed, but if you plan to bring bottles of formula, or breastmilk onto the plane, add a bit of extra time for TSA and security checks! (They test liquids which adds some time to the process!)

Baby wear! There are so many people and germs in the airport, you will feel ten times better if baby is safely and securely strapped to you! Get your baby accustomed to baby wearing/sleeping in the carrier prior to your trip! (No need for paying for a separate seat for baby when you’ll likely be feeding and holding him/her the whole flight.) If you do go the carseat route, be sure it’s FAA approved and realize it will need to be at the window seat. During takeoff and landing you’ll be asked to remove baby from the wrap, but it's worth it.

Bring sanitizer and wipes!! Back to the whole “germ issue"…having sanitizer handy will help ease your mind. Wiping down your seats and personal area on the plane is also an instant feel-good!

Change baby’s diaper prior to getting on the plane! Noone wants to change their baby in that TINY plane bathroom, so it's best to do it before hand! When my babies are tiny, I change them on my lap by the window seat for much needed privacy, and to avoid that room!

To pre-board, or not to pre-board? Families with small children are called to board the plane first! This allows you and your kids to skip ahead of the crowds, avoid getting stuck in “aisle traffic," and get settled into your seats! If you choose not to board early, you can wait and board last to avoid a longer wait-time stuck in your seats! Completely up to you!

Breastfeed/bottle feed/pacifier at take off and landing. Drinking/sucking/eating are all things that help prevent baby's ears from the typical discomfort experienced during take off and landing!

Have a bag of new toys and teethers handy. My baby usually falls asleep on the boob, and throughout the plane ride, but you can never be too prepared in case she’s wide awake and ready to play!

Have easy access to a spare change of clothes in your carry on. Keep this bag at your feet, and when the time comes, you’ll be ready!

Toddler tips:

Schedule your flight to leave around bedtime, but not too LATE. If you leave at their afternoon nap, you risk them not being sleepy enough with all the excitement, and potentially missing their nap all together. If you leave past bedtime, they may stay wide awake in the airport, become overtired on the plane, refuse bedtime, and scream until they eventually fall asleep...I learned this from experience, and I told myself I'd never relive that day! Since my kid’s bedtime is 7:15pm, we now book flights around that time to give them their best chance of their normal bedtime routine!

Consider buying a separate seat for your toddler. Children are allowed to sit on your lap until 2 years old before needing their own seat! However, if your child is younger then two, they may still benefit from having their own seat and seat belt to make for a smoother trip!

Map out seating dynamics! I sit with baby on my lap by the window, hubby on the aisle, and our toddler in the middle...Mom has privacy to breastfeed, hubby has leg room, there’s NO escape for your toddler, and you can both double team like bosses!

Check your carseat and stroller at the gate. Avoid carrying your toddler, or having to hold his hand through the hustle and bustle of the airport! Strap him into the stroller, hang some bags on it, and push it right up until you check it at the gate and board the plane!

Use the bathroom/fresh diaper before the flight! Also, keep a change of clothes handy because you just never know!

Make friends with flight crew! Flight attendants often give out stickers for children if you ask! Upon boarding the plane, you can also ask if your child can sit in the cockpit! This later comes in handy when reminding your toddler of the “nice Pilot man” who needs all children to be quiet so he can focus on flying the plane! Attendants are very understanding of toddlers needing to walk the aisles and “stretch their legs” on long flights…but, keep any eye out for when the seatbelt sign is ON, and be aware of where the snack cart is so you and your toddler don’t get stuck on the way back to your seat!

Have a bag of fun they've never seen before! (One new distraction an hour----coloring book, Etch A Sketch, different types of toys, new books spread out over time).

Have easy access to an assortment of clean snacks...keep them well hydrated, and let them eat as much as they want…WHATEVER IT TAKES!

OPT for the electronics! If you’re a minimal electronic mom like me, surrender all control, and have educational videos and comfy headsets on hand for your toddler as a last resort! (Last resort because once you take out the electronics, there’s usually NO going back!) Make sure they are all charged!


Reminder for Mama

●Do not, I repeat, DO NOT allow guilt or embarrassment to creep into your mind if your child becomes a handful for you and your husband during your flight. Just continue to focus on your child, and do the best you can! I hate to admit it, but before having kids, I used to roll my eyes if I heard a baby cry on one of my flights. I’d wonder to myself, “What is this mama doing?!” Now that I have kids…I wonder, “How is the mama doing?!” That’s right…I just want to give the mom of a wailing baby a HUGE HUG because they are doing their best…we have all been “that mom” before that others roll their eyes at, and it’s no fun! Other parents on the flight will hopefully have empathy for your situation. Everyone else should’ve brought headphones or earplugs…not your problem! Let’s stay hopeful, mamas!

I hope you found my tips for flying with a baby and toddler helpful! Although these tips are game-changers, it’s important to be able to “roll with the punches!” It helps to remind yourself that, “This too shall pass!” Share this helpful post with a mama, or two! It may just save them a big headache next time they fly!! Have you ever flown with your kids? Any juicy tips of your own to add? Leave them in the comments down below, and let’s help the mamas in this growing community! I wish you all safe travels, and the quickest flight ever! :-)

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,


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